The ev4all helpline is there for you around the clock, 24/7. We are there for you at all times.
Contact address
ev4all AG
Freiburgstrasse 71
3280 Murten
Authorised representative person(s)
Roland Lehmann
Commercial register entry
Registered company name: ev4all, Roland Lehmann Commercial Register No: CHE-294.910.560
Value added tax number (MWST)
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References and links to third party websites lie outside our area of responsibility. We decline any responsibility for such websites. Access and use of such websites is at the user’s own risk.
The copyrights and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on this website belong exclusively to Roland Lehmann or the specifically named rights holders. For the reproduction of any elements, the written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance.
Source: SwissAnwalt
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Freiburgstrasse 112
3280 Murten
Copyright © 2025 ev4all AG
The ev4all helpline is there for you around the clock, 24/7. We are there for you at all times.
We carry out an analysis and show you your savings potential. We also support you in selecting the right vehicle, install the charging stations, train your staff in the use of electric vehicles and help you with vehicle branding.
You can change your vehicle every month – you have a free choice of vehicle.
Gerne beraten wir dich persönlich und unverbindlich für eine massgeschneiderte Lösung.
Registration, tax, service, maintenance, insurance, delivery/collection, vignette, charging card are included.