ev4all Event
Castle Salavaux

Saturday 19 November 2022


It was simply great to meet our customers again and exchange ideas!
After the test drives, we went into the warm Salavaux Castle and were able to attend an interview with Philippe Furrer. Then hunger drove us into the large hall, where we were able to enjoy an excellent menu from the chef. Between courses, we were treated to music by Demian Kammer and discussions with our sponsors about electromobility.

A big thank you goes to our partners:


The ev4all helpline is there for you around the clock, 24/7. We are there for you at all times.


We carry out an analysis and show you your savings potential. We also support you in selecting the right vehicle, install the charging stations, train your staff in the use of electric vehicles and help you with vehicle branding.

free choice

You can change your vehicle every month – you have a free choice of vehicle.


Gerne beraten wir dich persönlich und unverbindlich für eine massgeschneiderte Lösung. 

All in one

Registration, tax, service, maintenance, insurance, delivery/collection, vignette, charging card are included.